crop circles and their progeny
error code 912:
no nail to hang the pictures on yet.  i'll get around to it.
iceberg 273  cryoMatic 4000 fontWorks  marginal art  searchwich
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Iinformation can get the stains out of your clothing.
 © 1995-1999 karl g. d. bailey.   the names "proof of download", "iceberg 273", "cryoMatic 4000 fontWorks", "searchwich", "the museum of marginal art", and "the real lettuce"; any graphics or original text contained therein, and any downloadable font files are the sole property of karl g. d. bailey.  any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.  i mean, you've got a brain, too.  so why borrow mine?
karl g. d. bailey is a multimedia, multicellular, parallel processing organism.
proof of download