4000 fontWorks
In my spare time,
I draw in the margins
of my notebooks.
Sometimes I draw letters.
Sometimes I don't.
But when I do, I make the letters into fonts,
using my computer
and a five button mouse.
If you do not have enough fonts,
feel free to take some of mine.
But send me something
if you do.
Even if it's just a postcard.
Meanwhile, here's the most recent cryoMatic
4000 font.
freezer section
the freezer is empty
iceberg 273 cryoMatic
4000 fontWorks marginal art searchwich
Page location:
A font is a good way to disseminate information.
© 1995-1999 karl g. d. bailey.
the names "proof of download", "iceberg 273", "cryoMatic 4000 fontWorks",
"searchwich", "the museum of marginal art", and "the real lettuce"; any
graphics or original text contained therein, and any downloadable font
files are the sole property of karl g. d. bailey. any unauthorized
use is strictly prohibited. i mean, you've got a brain, too.
so why borrow mine?
karl g. d. bailey is a multimedia, multicellular,
parallel processing organism.